Deep sea reporters highlights
Deep sea reporters have the mission to bring ocean related news through serous journalism practises. their platform provides articles and documentaries to further deepen your knowledge and awareness on environmental topics.

Microplastics are generated from almost everything we do in our daily lives: putting on make-up, eating food packaged in plastic, putting on clothes that we then wash, travelling by car or repainting the house. Microplastics are generated from most of the things we use and have made their way into life itself. Today, microplastics have been found in virtually every human organ and recent research shows the major negative effects they have on our bodies.
Democracy below surface
“They Emptied Our Seas” is an investigative documentary that delves
into the hidden truths behind the depletion of fish stocks in European waters.
It presents a compelling ”diving detective story”, weaving together breathtaking
and shocking underwater imagery that illustrates the stark contrast between
healthy and overfished areas. Through this visual journey, the film aims to
shed light on the conscious policies and decisions made behind closed doors
that have led to the current state of overfishing.
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