be part of the solution
Join as community members or as an Ocean Ambassador.
Let's grow together, one wave at a time.
We welcome legally constituted entities, supporting our cause, to become Business Associates.
Engage, influence and grow
Ignite conversations. Power your voice.
Build knowledge
- the foundation for innovation.
Ignite, Innovate. Develop. Deliver.
Individual community members
Are you fascinated by the mysteries of the deep? Are you dreaming of extracting the power from waves?
Join Ocean Community and connect with fellow ocean enthusiasts!
Share your passion for the ocean: diving, surfing, marine life, conservation.
Learn from experts and fellow ocean lovers.
Get involved in discussions and collaborate.
Join innovative projects that develop solutions to protect our precious oceans.
Be the voice for ocean action.
Become an Ocean Ambassador
We believe that ocean passionate students are key to raising awareness about the ocean community and challenges. As an Ocean Ambassador, you have the following opportunities
Contribute with development of educational programs with universities (OC Academy).
Connect the ocean community with universities.
Join a global movement for ocean and planetary health.
Build a career path as an Ocean Ambassador (Junior to Senior).
Interact with ocean projects and make a positive impact.
Gain free access to skill-building programs (Ocean Skills & Business Skills).
Grow your network with passionate ocean advocates worldwide.
Is this for you?