Ocean Community Challenge 2020 ended in an explosion of success!
Thank you all who took part in and contributed to the success of the very first round of Ocean Community Challenge. We are beyond excited over the outcome and extremely motivated to continue this journey contributing to growing up ideas for ocean sustainable growth opportunities.
With 30 teams participating, five finalists were selected for business coaching preparing them for the final pitch-session “Invest in Ocean Solutions”. The virtual pitch event took place November 20th, with an all in angel investor panel consisting of top early-stage investors. The panel was represented by the CEO of Keiretsu Forum Nordics, Anette Nordwall, business mentor and investor, Pedro Cerdeira, and Sustainable Ocean Alliance Program Associate, Ron Tardiff.

To share our joy and to inspire, below is a short presentation of the top five awarded solutions:
#1: ReShore
ReShore creates living breakwater combining floating breakwater technology and regenerative aquaculture. The combination provides reliable coastal protection while simultaneously rebuilding marine ecosystems and establishing more food security.
The team was mentored by Gonçalo Faria, Senior Account Manager at Beta-i and lead for BlueTechAccelerator.
#2: SosoCare
Nigeria-based SosoCare is offering a service for people in developing countries enabling them to collect plastic waste and deposit it as financial resource to access basic health insurance.
The team was mentored by Co-Founder of Fábrica do Futuro, César Couto Ferreira.
#3 (shared): OceanNETic
OceanNETic is an easily attachable deceive to any aquatic recreational equipment that trails behind the equipment and collects micro plastics in the ocean.
The team was mentored by the Global Coordinator of Sustainable Ocean Alliance, Ben Lesage.
#3 (shared): Koral Kit
Koral Kit aims to stabilize shorelines and provides essential fish habitats through the restoration of oyster reefs and microalgae.
The team was mentored by Program Associate at Sustainable Ocean Alliance, Ron Tardiff.
SeaIT is an app based on augmented reality to raise awareness about and prevent marine litter in the oceans. The app enables exploration of the magnitude and impact of marine litter on the ocean ecosystem.
The team was mentored by the Head of Open Innovation at Building Global Innovators (BGI), Tomé Canas.
Finally, we want to send a big THANK YOU to all our partners, and in particular, our sponsor and long-term investor Mellby-Gård.

Thank you all for being part of the solution! We are excited to follow you on your journeys and to explore more blue ideas for sustainable growth and success.
If you are interested in partnerships, participation, support or investing in our Bluetech journey contact us at contact@oceancommunitychallenge.com

When the ocean breathe, we breathe. 💙
Tune in to #OCC2021